A Roof Over Their Heads

The Eagle’s Nest ministry started in 2002 with a young boy named Sergio who lived with his mother and four siblings in Pachacutec. Sergio’s family lived in extreme poverty, but even in the midst of all these troubles, Sergio took care of his siblings and brought many of his friends to Christ. HHK WMC missionaries visited his home during a summer mission trip and found that Sergio’s family lived in a flimsy shelter made of plastic sheets and no roof.

Sergio’s mother, Bertha, wished that her children would be able to have a roof above their heads so the family could stay warm through the wintry days and rainy nights. Upon hearing her story, the missionaries and volunteers were moved to collect money on the spot and build a home for Sergio and his family. The house was built before the end of the next mission trip.

Sadly, in 2007, Bertha passed away. But Sergio and his siblings continue to live in the wooden house built by the missionaries and they received monthly aid through the Eagle’s Nest ministry. Since the encounter with Sergio’s family, Eagle’s Nest was started to help families in need of monthly support and hopes to build homes for each homeless family in God’s kingdom.

There are over 120 million homeless children today who roam the poorest streets of the world. Although we cannot relieve their suffering completely, we respond to their worries by building homes and shelters for truly needy families in our sponsored regions. Sometimes children’s lives are jeopardized by the financial burdens of the family. Eagle’s Nest defends the livelihood of such children by preventing the foreclosures of homes and property and providing monthly financial support.

Build homes for children and families

Secure land/home property for individuals

Provide monthly financial support for families in need

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